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Apart from having releases cut from the default master branch, Jekyll Core may occasionally cut releases containing security patches and critical bug-fixes for older versions under maintenance. Such releases are cut from specially named branches, following the pattern [x].[y]-stable where [x] denotes semver-major-version and [y], the semver-minor-version. For example, the branch 3.9-stable refers to commits released as part of jekyll-3.9.x series.

Co-ordinating a release off a *-stable branch is complicated mainly because the default branch has to inevitably reflect the release as well.


  • The maintainer has to have write-access to both the concerned *-stable and master branches.
  • The maintainer needs to complete the task using their local CLI program instead of dispatching via GitHub Web UI.
  • The maintainer is abreast with the workflow to release off master. The procedure documented in the following section is an abridged adaptation of the workflow for master.
  • A release post has been drafted and is awaiting publish to master via an approved pull request.
  • Stable internet connection.

Trigger release workflow

  1. Ensure that you’ve checked out the concerned *-stable branch and is up-to-date with its counterpart at jekyll/jekyll at GitHub.
  2. Bump the VERSION string in lib/jekyll/version.rb.
  3. Update the History document as documented here.
    (IMPORTANT: Do not run rake site:generate on the stable branch though).
  4. Copy the entire History section pertaining to current release and paste into a new tab / window of your text-editor. We will use this temporary snippet at a future stage.
  5. Commit changes to the version-file and History document with commit message Release :gem: v[CURRENT_VERSION].
  6. Push commit to upstream remote jekyll/jekyll at GitHub.

Publish release post

  1. Ensure the Release Gem workflow has completed successfully.
  2. Merge release-post pull request to master.

Update default branch to reflect release off the stable branch

  1. Locally, check out master and ensure it is up-to-date with its remote counterpart at jekyll/jekyll at GitHub.
  2. Update History document using the snippet in the temporary tab / window created earlier. The various sections in the History document are primarily in reverse chronological order and secondarily scoped to the semver-major-version. For example, a release section for v3.9.2 will be listed above the section for v3.9.1 but under release sections for v4.x. The snippet stashed earlier has to be injected into the correct location manually.
  3. Optionally, update VERSION string in lib/jekyll/version.rb. (If existing version is lesser than latest version).
  4. Now run rake site:generate to update various meta files:
    • docs/_config.yml
    • docs/_docs/
    • docs/latest_version.txt
  5. Commit changes to various meta files with commit message Release :gem: v[CURRENT_VERSION].
  6. Push commit to upstream remote.

Publish GitHub Release

Unlike releases cut off the master branch, our JekyllBot does not automatically create and publish a GitHub Release for tags created from non-default branches. Therefore, the maintainer has to manually create and publish the concerned GitHub Release.

  1. Choose the newly pushed tag.
  2. Title is same as the name of the selected tag.
  3. The release snippet stashed previously forms the body.
  4. Delete the snippet’s title (## x.y.z / YYYY-MM-DD) from the release body.
  5. Publish.

Note: The GitHub Release may optionally be drafted prior to updating the default branch and then published immediately after pushing the update commit to the default branch to streamline the procedure.