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Jekyll generates your static site to the _site directory by default. You can transfer the contents of this directory to almost any hosting provider to get your site live. Here are some manual ways of achieving this:


Rsync is similar to scp except it can be faster as it will only send changed parts of files as opposed to the entire file. You can learn more about using rsync in the Digital Ocean tutorial.

Amazon S3

If you want to host your site in Amazon S3, you can do so by using the s3_website application. It will push your site to Amazon S3 where it can be served like any web server, dynamically scaling to almost unlimited traffic. This approach has the benefit of being about the cheapest hosting option available for low-volume blogs as you only pay for what you use.


Most traditional web hosting providers let you upload files to their servers over FTP. To upload a Jekyll site to a web host using FTP, run the jekyll build command and copy the contents of the generated _site folder to the root folder of your hosting account. This is most likely to be the httpdocs or public_html folder on most hosting providers.


If you have direct access to the deployment web server, the process is essentially the same, except you might have other methods available to you (such as scp, or even direct filesystem access) for transferring the files. Remember to make sure the contents of the generated _site folder get placed in the appropriate web root directory for your web server.


Rack-Jekyll allows you to deploy your site on any Rack server such as Amazon EC2, Slicehost, Heroku, and so forth. It also can run with shotgun, rackup, mongrel, unicorn, and others.